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The Vanderbilt Health at MNPS Employee & Family Health Care Centers offers many health care and wellness services to MNPS and Metro employees, retirees and their dependents. Click on a service to the left to learn more. Some services, such as the onsite pharmacy and behavioral health, physical therapy and chiropractic care, are available only at the Employee Wellness Center at Berry Hill.


There is no copay to use the Centers’ clinical services if you’re enrolled in the MNPS Certificated Employee Health Plan or Metro Government PPO Plan. If you have other insurance, the Center will bill your insurance provider.


Learn about our commitment to holistic care in this short video.

New to MNPS? Watch this 6-minute orientation video on the MNPS Health Care Centers.


We are a patient-centered medical home (PCMH)

This is a distinction we’re very proud of. A PCMH is not a place. It’s not a building, office or hospital. Rather, it’s a team approach to providing health care, and YOU are the most important member of that team. It’s called a “home” because we want the MNPS Health Care Centers to be the first place you think of when you need care.


But what does choosing us to be your medical home really mean to you? It means:

  • We treat you with your entire well-being in mind. We don’t just focus on problems or symptoms.

  • We take time to get to know you – your personal health history, your family history, your concerns and your goals.

  • We listen to you and strive to learn the things that are really important to you.

  • We work closely with you to create a personalized care plan and provide support every step of the way.

  • We help answer your health questions.

  • If you need help from other medical experts or specialists, we invite them to join your health care team.

  • We oversee all of your care and work to ensure your health care team members are communicating with each other and understand all parts of your care.

  • We encourage you to play an active role in your care – get to know your health care team, ask questions, and share your worries and successes.

  • We are committed to providing you with quality care – not just FOR you, but WITH you.


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The MNPS Health Care Centers offer telehealth visits!* A telehealth visit is done over your smartphone, tablet or computer. You and your provider can see each other and talk via webcam on each person’s device. While we can’t look in your ears, listen to your heart or perform a lab test, we can help you with many common health concerns, including:

  • Colds, flu, stomach viruses, sinus infections and rashes

  • Managing chronic conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure

  • Some physical therapy visits

  • Assessments and counseling referrals by our onsite behavioral health providers

  • Health coaching with our onsite coaches


If you need lab work, your provider can order it to be performed at one of our Health Care Centers. If your provider determines you need a prescription, we can write one for the pharmacy of your choice.


To make a telehealth appointment, call us at 615-259-8755. If you have a regular provider at any of our five clinics, you may be able to make an appointment with that provider.


Once your appointment is scheduled, you’ll need to log onto the My Health at Vanderbilt (MHaV) portal and follow the instructions for preparing for your telehealth visit. It’s a good idea to do this a few hours before your scheduled appointment. If you don’t already have an MHaV account, now is a good time to create one. 


The cost for a telehealth visit, if any, is the same as an in-person office visit.


* We can only offer telehealth to patients who are in Tennessee at the time of the virtual visit. Not all concerns are appropriate for telehealth. After your appointment is scheduled, your provider will review your complaint and medical chart and confirm that your problem can be addressed via telehealth. If your provider feels the problem needs to be addressed in person, we will contact you.




Vanderbilt Health at

MNPS Employee & Family

Health Care Centers



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