Who can use the MNPS Employee & Family Health Care Centers (clinic services)?
All MNPS and Metro Government employees and retirees and their dependents can use the Health Care Centers.
Can I use the Health Care Centers (clinics) if I’m not covered under an MNPS or Metro health plan?
Yes. Having MNPS or Metro health coverage is not required to use clinic services. The Centers will bill other insurance carriers.
Who can use the Employee Wellness Center at Berry Hill?
MNPS certificated and non-certificated (support) employees, retirees and their spouses can use the entire facility, including the fitness center. Their children and adult dependents can use clinic and pharmacy services, but are not eligible to use the fitness center at this time. Additionally, charter employees whose schools have opted not to participate in MNPS's benefits program can use clinic and pharmacy services, but are not eligible to use the fitness center.
Metro general government employees and pensioners and their dependents can use clinic and pharmacy services, but are not eligible to use the fitness center.
Do I need an appointment?
We recommend making appointments for clinic visits. In many cases, we can see you the same day or early the next day. We do our best to offer you the appointment time you request; however, certain times may be in high demand. In these cases, we schedule on a first come, first served basis.
How do I make an appointment?
Call 615-259-8755.
I’m running late for my appointment. Can I still come in?
Please call to reschedule if you are going to be more than 10 minutes late. If you arrive late, we will do our best to see you in the next available appointment slot.
What if I need to cancel my appointment?
If you cannot make your appointment, please call us as far in advance as possible so we can schedule someone else in that timeslot.
Patient portal
What is the patient portal?
The MNPS Health Care Centers provide patients access to an online portal called My Health at Vanderbilt, which is a secure, password-protected website that allows you to:
Access your electronic health record (lab and medication information)
View instructions from your provider after a visit
Message with your provider
View patient education materials
Request refills
Get reminders for annual tests and procedures
View billing statements and submit payments
Simply click the My Health at Vanderbilt Patient Portal button above to create an account and log on.
Are the Health Care Centers similar to drug store clinics?
The Centers provide care for minor illnesses and injuries like drug store clinics. But we offer many additional services, including primary care, preventive and wellness services, help with chronic conditions and behavioral health care.
What conditions do you treat?
Visit our Services pages for details.
Can the Centers perform in-office procedures?
We can perform simple procedures, such as ear wax removal and breathing treatments. If we determine that your condition is more involved, we may refer you to the appropriate provider, such as a specialist.
Do the Centers offer allergy shots?
Yes. If your allergist or other specialist determines you need allergy shots, your provider can mail your allergy serum to the Center and we will give the shots as directed by your allergist with no copay. For safety reasons, you may not hand deliver your own serum.
Can I get blood work/lab tests done in the Centers?
Most routine blood work/lab requests can be performed in the Centers. In some cases, these tests will be sent to an outside lab for processing.
Can the Centers help me monitor my blood sugar or blood pressure?
Yes. In fact, we can help you manage many chronic conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, respiratory and heart conditions, obesity and more. And if you're enrolled in the Certificated Employee Health Plan, many medications and supplies to manage these conditions are provided at no cost to you.
Team approach
You say you take a team approach to care. What does this mean?
We are a patient-centered medical home (PCMH). This is a distinction we’re very proud of. A PCMH is not a place. Rather, it’s a team approach to providing health care, and YOU are the most important member of that team. But what does that really mean to you? It means:
We treat you with your entire well-being in mind. We don’t just focus on problems or symptoms.
We take time to get to know you – your personal health history, your family history, your concerns and your goals.
We listen to you and strive to learn the things that are really important to you.
We work closely with you to create a personalized care plan and provide support every step of the way.
We help answer your health questions.
If you need help from other medical experts or specialists, we invite them to join your health care team.
We oversee all of your care and work to ensure your health care team members are communicating with each other and understand all parts of your care.
We encourage you to play an active role in your care – get to know your health care team, ask questions, and share your worries and successes.
We are committed to providing you with quality care – not just FOR you, but WITH you.
Do the Health Care Centers dispense medicine?
The Employee Wellness Center at Berry Hill does. The Center pharmacy is managed by Kroger and stocks both prescription and over-the-counter drugs. You can call the MNPS Kroger pharmacy directly at 615-600-3854.
Can the Centers prescribe antibiotics?
Yes. Our health care providers can write prescriptions if indicated by your condition.
How much does it cost to use the Centers?
How much you pay for clinical services depends on your medical coverage:
MNPS Certificated Employee Health Plan or Metro Government PPO Plan: no copay
Metro Cigna HRA Fund: normal charges apply until your deductible is met and HRA is exhausted, then no copay
MNPS Cigna Medicare Surround Plan: no copay
Cigna MAPD-PPO, Cigna MAPD-HMO or Humana Medicare Advantage: normal plan copays apply
No MNPS or Metro coverage: we can bill other insurance carriers (we currently do not accept TennCare)
What is the cost for medication at the Employee Wellness Center pharmacy?
Kroger manages the Employee Wellness Center pharmacy, and prescription drugs are covered here the same as at any Kroger pharmacy. Check your benefit materials for your costs.
If you are covered under an MNPS Cigna Medical Plan, certain preventive medications are provided with no copay. For other medications, Kroger offers reduced copays. See your benefit materials for details.
How much does it cost to use the fitness center at the Employee Wellness Center?
The Fitness Center, including fitness classes, is available at no cost to MNPS certificated and support employees, MNPS retirees, and the spouses of MNPS employees and retirees. You must sign a liability waiver before using the fitness center for the first time.
Providers/specialist care
What if I need a primary care provider/physician (PCP)?
We believe it’s important to have a primary care provider — someone who knows you and your health history and can look at the big picture of your health. The Centers can serve as your PCP. Or, if you choose a PCP outside the Centers, we can still see you and coordinate with your provider as needed.
What if I need to see a specialist?
If we see you and feel you would benefit from seeing another provider, we can refer you to a specialist in your insurance plan’s network. We can also expedite a referral to Vanderbilt Medical Group.
After hours
What if I have a health problem after hours?
A nurse practitioner is available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for patients who have been seen in the Centers.
Call 615-259-8755.
Is my health information protected at the Centers?
Yes. Your personal health information is protected by federal privacy laws and completely confidential.
It’s important to understand that MNPS and the Health Care Centers are two separate entities. While Center staff DO have access to your personal health information, MNPS staff DO NOT. The Centers are staffed with nurse practitioners who are members of Vanderbilt’s faculty and must comply with federal privacy laws like all health care providers.
If my personal health information is private, why did I get a call from Center staff offering help with my diabetes?
If you’re contacted by a Cigna health advocate or an MNPS Health Care Centers representative, you can be assured they will never share your personal information with MNPS. MNPS does receive a summary of group findings, such as the number of employees with certain conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Summaries like these help staff customize wellness programs for employees, but they never contain information that would identify you personally.
If our Health Care Centers representatives or Cigna health advocates believe you might benefit from one of their health improvement programs, they may give you a call. They look at your health assessment answers and claims information to suggest programs you might be interested in. Your participation is completely optional, and all calls are confidential.
Where can I find more information about MNPS’s privacy practices?
You can view MNPS’s notice of privacy practices on Benefit Express at MNPSBenefits.org.
Fitness center
Where is the fitness center?
The fitness center is located in the MNPS Employee Wellness Center at 2694 Fessey Court in Nashville.
Who can use the fitness center?
MNPS certificated and non-certificated (support) employees, retirees and their spouses can use the fitness center. Their children and adult dependents are not eligible to use the fitness center at this time. Additionally, charter employees whose schools have opted not to participate in MNPS's benefits program are not eligible to use the fitness center.
Metro general government employees and pensioners and their dependents are not eligible to use the fitness center.
You must sign a liability waiver before using the fitness center for the first time.
What are the hours of operation?
Normally, the fitness center is open Monday-Friday, 5:30 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Is the fitness center open on holidays?
Visit our Locations and Hours page for holiday closings.
Does the fitness center close for inclement weather?
The fitness center will remain open as much as possible during inclement weather, but will close, sometimes with little or no notice, if the safety of employees and members could be jeopardized. If the MNPS Central Office closes due to inclement weather, the fitness center will close.
I want to use the facilities, but I’m not sure how to get started.
An equipment orientation is a great place to start. Our fitness associates will show you how to safely operate the strength and cardio equipment and answer any questions you have. To schedule an equipment orientation, ask an associate at the fitness center desk.
How many laps around the track make a mile?
Twenty-five laps equal a mile.
What is the dress code?
Proper fitness attire is required. Full-length shirts and fully enclosed athletic footwear must be worn at all times. Footwear requirements may differ in fitness classes, such as yoga. Sandals, boots, dress shoes or clothing with hardware that could damage equipment is not allowed.
Are lockers available?
Yes. Lockers are available in the both the men’s and women’s locker rooms. Small lockers are also available on the walking track to hold your keys/ID badge, etc.
Are showers available?
Yes. There are four showers (one with handicap access) in both the men’s and women’s locker rooms. Towels are provided.
Is childcare available?
Childcare is not available at this time, and children are not permitted in the fitness center.
The Daily Grind Café
Are Starbucks gift cards accepted?
Not at this time.
What are the hours?
The Daily Grind is open Monday-Friday, 6 a.m.-2:15 p.m. During summer months and certain holidays, hours will be reduced to 6 a.m.-1:30 p.m.